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Friday 14 November 2014

Simplifying all things household with the once-a-week rule by Katie O;Brien

The average to-do list never seems to stop growing... and yet things never seem to really get accomplished... do they?
It's a nasty side-effect of being overwhelmed for sure... but what if you could make things a little simpler at home with those chaotic to-do lists? I've found the number one time-suck for mothers who want to simplify their lives is the never-ending household to-dos.
So to simplify this I've developed the Once-A-Week Rule. And it works like a charm!
  • The Once-A-Week Rule is setting time aside each week on the same day each week around the same time to do the same tasks.
Need an example?
So Sunday evenings you could plan the meals for the week ahead. Wednesday afternoons, vacuum. Wednesday evenings, laundry. Tuesday evenings could be for cleaning bathrooms. Thursday afternoons you could grocery shop and run errands.
So to the average person this might just sound like a regular old schedule. And in a way it is... but it's actually so much more.
The benefit of following the Once-A-Week Rule is you only have to worry about things once a week. And you only have to do these things once a week.
Let me explain...
By following the Once-A-Week Rule it allows you the opportunity to be fully present with the tasks at hand instead of worrying about what else needs to get done that day... or that week. This Rule also forces you to get what you need done in the appointed day/time slot without feeling the need to worry about anything else in that moment.
By having a specific day and time scheduled, you automatically know that's what you'll be doing and that's when you'll take care of that particular task... thus removing the worry and dread of reviewing your to-do lists all throughout the day and wondering when you'll fit it all in.
If you want to start using this rule you'll want to start with the following:
  1. Determine what NEEDS to get done throughout your week. Take special note of things you're doing multiple times throughout the week.

  2. Next, commit to doing the laundry, vacuuming, bathrooms, dusting, etc. once a week. It IS possible, I promise! You just have to believe it is and then find a way to make it happen. You can take one full day for these or break it up throughout the week.

  3. Next, you'll want to try it out. Do you need more time? Did you realize you need less time when you eliminate distractions? After trying it out, customize it so it fits your lifestyle.
Take note of what happens when you take a little upfront time to plan accordingly and only make one trip to the grocery store that week. Then see what happens when you let the laundry sit for a few days extra and then do one large batch of laundry. Recognize it's not juts saving you time but helping your sanity.
Ask yourself right now, how would your current situation be different if you decided to only run errands once a week?
How would your stress level shift if you only cleaned your house once a week?
What would it take to follow this Once-A-Week Rule in your house? And now when will you be making this happen??
If you love this rule and will be giving it a GO in your house, let me know! Use the buttons below to share via social media and let everyone know how it's working for you!
Katie O'Brien is a Life Coach who is on a mission to inspire a happier, simpler motherhood experience. She writes about real life, moving through everyday stress and how to find inner peace as a busy mom. Learn more and connect with Katie at

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