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Monday 27 October 2014

Home remedies for teething babies

What many of us may not know is that some babies are born with their first teeth? It is not uncommon for a baby’s first teeth to develop while still in the womb! But if your baby hasn’t been born with teeth, the teething process will usually start when he is six months, although the timing depends from baby to baby. But don’t be alarmed if your baby starts teething as early as four months or as late as after 12 months. Most children will have all their deciduous teeth by the time they are two and a half years old. 

Teething symptoms also vary from baby to baby. Some babies may not feel any pain during this period while others can show quite severe symptoms. But why does teething sometimes bring along unwanted issues? The explanation is that, the new milk or deciduous teeth try to make their way up through the gums because of which there is movement in the jaw bone, resulting in pain. Pain can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as a raised temperature, reddened gums, poor appetite, irritability and restlessness, excessive dribbling, facial rash, red lips, chewing on objects and disturbed sleep.

Sometimes babies also start to develop mouth blisters or ulcers while teething. This condition is called mouth blister teething. It happens because, when the teeth are trying to make their way out, a little bleeding occurs under the delicate skin, causing a small blood blister or bruise on the gum area. These blisters go away when the teeth have erupted. Do not cut or try to remove the blisters. No treatments are usually required but consult a dentist if the blisters have been there for a month but the tooth has not come through. 
Teething is a natural process and mostly can be treated at home. Here are some home remedies for teething in babies – 
  • Teething toys and necklaces – if your child is teething, he will start chewing on anything he finds. Make sure he has the right toys to help with the teething process. There are loads of teething toys available in the market that are safe and developed especially for teething babies.
  • Cold drinks – if your baby is over six months, and it is safe for him to drink water. Give him cold water in his bottle to help numb the pain, if any. Make sure you consult a medical health professional before, as cold water can cause a common cold.
  • Cold food – if you have already introduced foods to your baby, try giving him chilled foods such as blended peaches, applesauce and yoghurt to ease gum aches and irritability.
  • Vanilla essence – has calming properties that will help soothe your baby’s aching gums. Take a dab of vanilla essence on your finger and gently rub this liquid on the gums.
  • Oils – clove and olive oil together can work to relieve tooth-related problems. Clove oil, though, is very potent and should be diluted and mixed with olive oil before rubbing gently onto the baby’s gums.
  • Breastfeeding – babies instinctively want to nurse more during teething. Skin contact and breastfeeding help in relieving teething pain. Your baby not only receives nourishment from breast-milk but it is also very comforting, which further aids to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Keeping it dry – your baby might drool more than usual due to teething, which can sometimes result in a red rash around the lips and chin. You can topically apply a mild emollient like almond or sunflower oil to avoid the skin from 
Teething : What you need to know by Sam Malone

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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