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Monday 27 October 2014

Self esteem and body confidence - what are youngsters need

Conservative MP Caroline Nokes wrote about the need to help our young people to develop body confidence since so many are suffering from a lack of self esteem causing lasting problems from school days onwards. In an article in the Daily Telegraph, she explains her reaction to the assertion that negative body image  prevents us joining in many activities:
"The first time I read that, I assumed that these 'activities' would be sports-related and involve wearing Lycra. Far from it. Appearance based insecurities are preventing students from putting their hand up in class, deterring job applicants from attending interviews, affecting romantic relationships and encouraging people to retreat into their shell, or to inhabit an online world where appearance based bullying is rife
In many shops, the fancy dress outfits aimed at primary school- aged boys are superhero costumes or, at this time of year, Halloween costumes that are padded to give the impression of a six pack. It reinforces an image in a young mind that this is the most desirable look for a 'real man'."

As a direct response to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Body Image report, which revealed that millions of Brits are stuck in an unhealthy cycle of depression, short-term dieting, cosmetic intervention and eating disorders in a bid to achieve an unrealistic ‘ideal body’, the Be Real campaign targets schools, businesses, charities, public bodies and individuals to help change attitudes towards body image and put health above appearance.
“At Dove, we are committed to building a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. Through the work of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, we create educational resources for young people to help inspire them to feel good about their appearance and to reach their potential in life,” remarked Mark Bleathman, vice-president brand building at Unilever, the campaign’s founding partner