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Friday 19 December 2014

Seven Holiday Stress-busting Tips from the Experts by Jan Carley

What could be more stressful than a job with a 364-day build up that lasts just one night? A job that involves near-impossible physical output, wild environmental conditions, high stress and has the hopes and dreams of millions of children around the world riding on your performance? Yes, being one of Santa's reindeer is a tough job! I recently consulted Santa's Reindeer and asked them what they have learned over the years to minimize their holiday stress. Here's what they said: Tip #1 ASK FOR SUPPORT All of the reindeer agreed that prepping for the holiday season has to be a team effort. If you are trying to pull the sleigh all alone you will get exhausted pretty quickly. Who can help you with the decorating, the baking, buying gifts, the entertaining? Tip #2 SLOW DOWN The more hurry, less speed tip came from Dasher who told me he was much more effective when he was reined in. A lot of energy is wasted when we are frantically rushing from thing to thing. Consciously slow down this holiday season- reduce your speed, stop to smell the fir trees and wherever you are, remember to breathe. Tip #3 STRATEGICALLY SCHEDULE This tip came from Blitzen who said that rather than setting a schedule that has constant high levels of activity over several days that create exhaustion and burn out - it is wiser to schedule blitzes of activity that happen at your optimum physical and mental times. Let's say you are a morning person. Schedule an extreme blitz of activity on Saturday morning for 4 hours - schedule your high output activity to end at lunchtime. Then schedule in a nap to refresh you for the rest of the day. Do a blitz, then slow down and relax. Tip #4 HOLD A FUN INTENTION Fun-loving Dancer advises us to consciously hold a one word intention of Fun. Think about that intention in the 15 seconds before you pop out of bed each morning. Imagine how holding that intention will positively affect your day! Tip #5 HIRE A CLEANER Of course that piece of advice came from Comet. Don't waste a minute of this magical season with cleaning supplies in your hand. Instead - go outside and toss some snowballs with the kids. Tip #6 REMEMBER HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE Rudolph inspires us to focus on our unique gifts and how we can best contribute to this world. Ignore what everyone else is doing. You may not the person that was meant to struggle with making homemade shortbread. You may, instead, be better suited to leading the family singsong around the piano. What is your unique contribution? Rudolph found out that his shiny red nose was his gift. What is yours? Tip #7 REMEMBER WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT Cupid reminds us that this holiday season is really all about love. Focus your Gratitude Attitude and on a daily basis, count your blessings. Give thanks to that which is truly important and watch how the holiday stresses and pressures melt away and your positive emotions increase. Written by Jan Carley, Professional Certified Executive Coach, Creative Coaching Group, Vancouver, BC, Canada Download your Free 8-page 2014 REFLECTION GUIDE and create space for a 2015 of possibilities. Article Source:

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